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Vperedism is a newly developed philosophy centered around progressing all aspects of this world towards a better future; as follows is an introduction to some of our core ideas

God Building

God building is a synthesis of both the traditional religious doctrines which worship the past with the modern athiestic religion which at it's core worships the present. We believe that through synthesizing the greatest of both doctrines as well as the science of marxian socialism, we can create a religion which looks not to the past or present which simply leaves us looking towards dead antiquitity and stale modernity but towards the future! This provides two primary achievements beyond our current religions of today: one being the greater enlighenment enabling us to study god in much greater detail and accuracy in the same way that the telescope allows for much greater knowledge of the cosmos. the second being that we provide a path that at it's core strives to create the best future possible for all peoples of the world. The foundation of God Building as such must take into account that nothing stands permanently stationary as our languages, societies, governments and ideologies have and awlays will be in a state of constant change. In addition to this stands the barrier that all people have different material conditions and as such not only is everything changing it is also different. Therefore we must promote our future for humankind, which holds dynamic goals for the betterment of it's followers, regardless of differences in the same way that communists unite into a party so as to defend each individual. As such our god is seen to us as the future of humanity, to which we worship by forging a better future which provides happiness and fulfillment for all people.


The aim of Tektology is in short the systematization of organized experience, through the identification of universal organizational principles. Experience is the basis for everything we understand to be "true". As such our understanding of the world stems directly from experience. At it's most basic level organization can be seen as the relations between everything. Everything can be seen to be organized by how it interacts between it's own components, how the system as a whole interacts with other systems and the basic organization responsible for this. Tektology is created with the aim of uniting all sciences into one comprehensive doctrine.